Friday, May 10, 2019

Forget about Copywriting in Advertisements Essay

Forget ab bug out Copywriting in Advertisements - Essay ExampleThe present matched environment is characterized by legion(predicate) market players trying to capture the same market segment. Bargaining spring of consumers is on the high and hence it has become a very important issue among the managers to create a distinction and have an edge in the market (Chew & Gottschalk, 2009, p.57)). Companies ar spending billions to analyze the demands of the customers and undertaking invariable research and development to market products that satisfies the ever changing needs of the consumers. In this regard marketers besides banking upon publicise as a medium to communicate to the home run market audience (Pringle & Marshall, 2012, p.16). This assumes importance as in the present age of competition it is very necessary to remain in close contact with the customers and also have channels that can help marketers communicate with the customers (Rich, 2009, p.218). Huge volumes of resour ces and time are being dog-tired on creating advertisements that are innovative so as to ensure that the intended message reaches out to the consumers. drawn-out market research is being carried out to ensure that the advertisements are creative and that individuals take time to weigh these advertisements and that the intended message reaches out to the target market audience (Yeshin, 2005, p.215-216). However with all the organization placing numerous advertisements it has been found that customers are getting annoyed and irritated by the number of such advertisements that they are being flooded everyday. Customers everyday is bombarded with mails, messages as well as advertisements on television and brand media that are confusing them and as a result they are largely ignoring these advertisements (Kenworthy & Rodrigues, 2007, p.141). This has made it very inwrought to not only generate innovative means of advertising but also ensure that the advertisements are popular and ac ceptable by the audience. The question of ethics also comes into play in this regard with many marketers indulging in unethical means to ensure viewership of advertisements (Lee & Johnson, 2005, p.174). Hence it has been a critical setting for marketers to assume strategies in this regard so as to ensure that advertisements are effective and that the intended message reaches out to the customers in an effective manner that generates value or the customers as well as the organization. The aspect of seemly advertising also implies copyrights with various companies trying to outpace each other by copying or mimicking the advertisements of their competitors. Governments across nations are also putting legislative regulation on marketing advertisements so as to ensure fair competition in the market (Buskop, 2008, p.120). The present study would specifically analyze the aspect of advertisements that would include analyzing the aspect of creating innovations in advertisements and promot ions and also to ensure that customers view the advertisements and the correct message reaches out to the target market segments so as to help a company stay ahead of the competition in the market and generate innovations. Importance of Art of Copywriting The art of Copywriting is as important as ever, no return how much the advertising world has changed. There has always been a need for copywriters because of the fact that copywriting provides a

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